Marine Industry Partnerships – Trade, OEM & Distributors

Hyde’s international relationships with a wide range of Marine organisations/companies has enabled it to provide stock into the marine industry at all levels.

We partner with a wide range of organisations

  1. Boat Manufacturers with our OEM range of products
  2. Distributors – there are large numbers of companies around the world selling and supporting our products – (see below)
  3. Own label – we also sell a large number of products to other companies for them to sell on.

Our tailor made facility in the Philippines is especially important in this providing excellent quality products with some of the largest yacht and dinghy builders in the world giving them a  give us a competitive edge in the industry.

We are always looking to expand on the contract and ability to provide sails in an ever evolving marine industry. New exciting craft that are emerging are at the forefront of our evolution and may well be a large market in the future that we are fully able to supply. Alongside a number of large sailing schools around the world Hyde sails are also responsible for producing a large amount of sails that are used for third party companies and take pride in the craftsmanship of our sails and their ability to perform.


The potential Distributor would sell Hyde Branded sails direct to their market with supply from our sail loft in the Philippines. The combination of high quality sails at very competitive trade prices means that the potential Distributor can achieve good margins.

An ideal Distributor would be a sailor\sailmaker with a sales background who already has good access to their market place. An understanding of the product is very important so sailmaking knowledge is a must. Access to sail making facilities so that the product can be serviced is also important.


At HYDE SAILS we produce a huge number of sails and accessories for most popular and competitively raced classes in the marketplace. Despite these sails sometimes not having our Hyde Sails ‘H’ logo on the tack of sail. We have agreements in place to only supply the boat builders and not the public.

If you are a manufacturer and wish to talk to us about your requirements then please email us on







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